Ten Free Books for Schools, offer extended until the end of term!

With less than eight weeks left until the Summer hols (eeek!!) Angela would love to visit your school to share the adventures of the Extraordinary Little Witch from the Isle of Arran and lead your children on an Imagination Challenge.
The cost of the 1 hour visit has been discounted to £100* and for this cost, she'll also include TEN BOOKS for your schools library!
Additional books can be purchased at a 25% discount and children will be offered a similar discount for books purchased on the day! Further information on our school visits can be seen on our website here!
If you'd like to share the adventures with your school, please contact us to arrange a visit on a Tuesday or Thursday morning between now and end of June!
* Standard fee, as per Scottish Book Trust Live Lit scheme is £175. If you have funding in place from SBT, we'll donate 20 books to your library as part of the session.