£15,600 raised for our partner charity, The Beatson!

Angela was on fire last night at The Beatson Cancer Charity Burns Supper where she was auctioning two weeks in her cottage on Arran!
The host for the evening was the lovely Alison Walker, with Karen Dunbar pulling off the most amazing recital of Tam O' Shanter. All the traditions were followed to the letter, the piping in of the Haggis, all the usual speeches etc and then Angela was up! You'll be surprised to learn that Angela is always incredibly nervous in advance of these events yet has an amazing ability to really whip up the crowd! Last night was no different! Angela had donated two individual weeks in her cottage on the magical Isle of Arran where the books are set. The cottage is in fact the home of Thumble Tumble and is where her favourite Scoffalicious Chocolate is made!
Everyone was stunned at the generosity in the room and we were all totally taken aback by the whopping £15,600 raised for the two weeks!
To find out more about the amazing work The Beatson does, visit the website.