Book Week Scotland Day three and four!

Wednesday saw Angela fly south to Ayrshire, not a stones throw away from the glorious Isle of Arran where the book series is set!
The first visit of three was St Bridget's Primary, a school she's visited previously so was lovely to receive another warm welcome from the children! She then moved on to St John's Primary where the children were tasked with creating team names for the mini Eagalach Game! The children chose the Magic Burning Flames v Fire Pandas!
The day was rounded off with a first visit to the lovely Dreghorn Primary School where Angela read from her first book.
Day four in the Thumble Tumble Book Week Scotland tour took Angela west to Renton Primary School where the children were introduced to the series through a reading from Thumble Tumble and the Ollpheist.
This was then followed with a first visit to Gavinburn Primary School in Old Kilpatrick where again Thumble Tumble and the Ollpheist was read from, to introduce the children to the book series. This time the children invented the Enchantability Potion to make Thumble Tumble disappear and escape the 19 foot giant!
We're now taking bookings for readings in the new year therefore if you'd like to share in the fun please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you!