What a lovely review of The Eagalach Cup

Thumble Tumble and the Eagalach Cup - Review
As soon as I started Thumble Tumble and the Eagalach Cup I could not put it down and I was dying to know what happened next. I actually felt as if I was in the magical Isle of Arran. My favourite characters are McCools because he is orange (my second favourite colour), he also helps Thumble Tumble get out of a very tricky situation. I also like the Thistle Pixies because they help each other fight of the witches to try and win the Eagalach Cup. The most exiting bit was when the night witches came in and started a war but I really wanted to know who won the war, so I just had to keep reading…I could not put this book down! I really can’t wait for the next book, but please can you write them faster because I absolutely LOVE THEM!! It is a magical and exciting book.
From, Ava Murphy (aged 11)
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