
The Thumble Tumble book series follows an extraordinary little witch along her many adventures on the magical Isle of Arran and beyond.

Thumble Tumble is a little witch from the Isle of Arran. First published in 2015, her adventures begin with Thumble Tumble and the Ollpheist, where she stumbles upon a mysterious secret.

Follow Thumble Tumble through her adventures with Night Witches and Sea Dragons as she attempts to infiltrate the Great Games. Then follow even more twists and turns through the Devil's Maze as she encounters Flower Nymphs and Thistle Pixies in the second book, Thumble Tumble and the Cauldron of Undry!

Latest Book

  • Goblin pirates front cover and text book

    When her friend is taken captive by Mogdred, the supreme Night Witch, Thumble Tumble is forced to join an unlikely Pirate crew on a terrifying journey to World's End! Pursued by a host of menacing monsters, they must find the key that unlocks a magical chest full of deadly treasures! Follow Thumble Tumble through this twisting tale of mystery and adventure on her most incredible journey yet!

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